Aug 22, 2019
Human progress and societal growth almost always influence each other. The increased pressure and the ability of man to rise to challenges paves the way for more learning and growth. In this episode, Patrick Donohoe interviews Dr. Walter E. Williams, an economist, commentator, and academic, to talk about societal or...
Aug 15, 2019
Positive influence from significant people can bring a positive impact to your ventures in life and in business. In this episode, Kim Butler, the Founder of Partners for Prosperity and Cofounder of Prosperity Economics Movement, walks us through her experiences in business. Inspired by Dan Sullivan’s Strategic Coach,...
Aug 8, 2019
Capitalism is the greatest economic system in human history because it's lifted more people out of poverty than any system in human history and allowed for the conditions for great human flourishing and great technological advancements. This is according to Peter Wehner, a New York Times contributing Op-Ed...
Aug 1, 2019
When asked to open a new law firm office in a different market, business leader, problem-solver, and health care attorney Tom Donohoe shares how he was able to apply basic entrepreneurial principles to establish their business. As someone who’s not averse to doing the leg work, he was able to build a client base in a...